Latest news

PhD defence at SGO

Kenneth Nilsen successfully defended his CHAMOS-related thesis "Polar middle atmospheric ozone: Short term impact by solar protons and long-term trends" at Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, Polaria lecture room, 22nd of November, 2024, at 12 p.m. Prof. Jörg Gumbel from Stockholm University acted as the opponent. The thesis is available here!

CHAMOS Workshop at Nagoya, Japan

The CHAMOS 2024 Workshop was organised by ISEE on 28th Oct - 1st Nov at Nagoya University, Japan. We once again gathered together for a week of face-to-face collaboration, discussions, and presentations. The topics range from new data sets of solar particle forcing to studies of long-term impacts and atmosphere and climate. Thank you very much for a nice meeting!

ERC Starting Grant for Maxime!

Maxime has received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council for his project LOUARN (Lights in the nightsky and Ozone loss: Unravelling Atmosphere forcing from space with Radar, optics, and Novel citizen science). The project will quantify the effects of space-driven processes on the upper and middle atmosphere in terms of energetics, chemistry, and dynamics, and it will leverage citizen science. LOUARN will start in spring 2025, for a duration of five years. This is great!

CIEPPAR Project funded by Kvantum Institute!

CIEPPAR (Climate Impact of Energetic Particle Precipitation in the Arctic Region) is a Kvantum Institute Strategic Spearhead Project for the period of 2025 - 2028. We will be doing research on the ionospheric and atmospheric impact of energetic particle precipitation and the processes and mechanisms connecting those to atmospheric dynamics and climate. CIEPPAR is led by Pekka and Antti. We will have researcher positions open for your applications very soon! More information here!

Sodankylä-based Balloon campaign to study high-energy EPP impacts!

The third experimental campaign held in Arctic Space Centre in Sodankylä since 2022 is part of a study on geomagnetic storm and solar proton impact on stratospheric chemistry. Experiments were conducted by the FMI, the University of Colorado and the Space Science Institute. See the news at FMI Space

Research Project ANAON funded!

Funded by the Research Council of Finland, ANAON (Aurora and Neutral Atmosphere interplay: Observations and Novel analysis methods) will focus on the mesoscale (tens to hundreds of kilometres) physical processes occurring at subauroral and auroral latitudes in the upper atmosphere. The project starts in October 2024, has a duration of four years, and is led by Maxime. Congratulations!

CHAMOS workshop in Sodankylä, Finland

The CHAMOS 2023 Workshop was organised by SGO on 27th Nov - 1st Dec at Luosto, Sodankylä. After a series of on-line meetings, we had five days of face-to-face collaboration, discussions, and presentations. Among the topics were updates to electron forcing data set for CMIP7, and progress in SUNVAC and HISSA projects. Thank you for a nice meeting!

Research project GERACLIS accepted!

Research Council of Finland funds GERACLIS, a joint project between SGO/University of Oulu and FMI. We aim to understand how the Earth's atmosphere and climate respond to drastic changes in geomagnetic field configuration expected over a thousand year time span. The project runs between 2023 and 2027 and utilises the WACCM and SOCOL models and Finnish HPC resources provided by CSC. See the GERACLIS webpage here

Pekka visits ISEE, Japan!

In February-May, Pekka is working as a visiting professor at the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya University. Scientifically, we will address the mesospheric ozone variability and its drivers such as EPP forcing on daily to seasonal timescales using ground-based and satellite-base observations together with atmospheric simulations.The visit is hosted by Yoshizumi Miyoshi.

Nature Communications publication!

Monika et al. have published a paper on stratospheric temperature response to EPP-driven ozone depletion. A statistical analysis of WACCM simulations shows that a 25% reduction in polar upper stratospheric ozone indeed leads to 3 Kelvin decrease in temperatures. Our study also highlights the urgent need for an improved representation of decadal solar particle forcing in climate simulations. Read the Nature Communication paper here

VERSIM Workshop at SGO

SGO organised the VLF-ELF Remote Sensing of the Ionospheres and Magnetospheres Workshop from 7th to 11th of November, 2022. With the topics including sources and measurements of EPP, many CHAMOS scientists were attending. Workshop web pages are here

ISSI team meeting in Bern

International Space Science Institute in Bern hosted and funded our second meeting of the Space Weather Induced Ionisation Effects on the Ozone Layer project on 5-9 September, 2022. After a two-year delay due to the virus, it is nice to get together again! Project web page is here

CHAMOS work at FMI

A spring meeting between SGO and FMI teams was organised in Helsinki. In addition to face-2-face, hands-on work together, we also had project meetings for both SUNVAC and HISSA!

If you want to see older news, go to the news archive.